Drop safes, also known as depository safes, work well for cash businesses that have employees managing the cash flow during the day or night. While the manager or owner is off site, the employees can periodically empty their cash register or cash box into the drop safe. Once the money or paperwork is dropped in, only managers and owners will have access to the deposit through the safe door.
The most common drop safes are those that work like a mailbox drop, or the rotary hopper drop safe that spins a special cylinder designed for deposits. The difference is simply a matter of preference. Retail stores, grocery stores, and other cash businesses benefit greatly from safes like these.
It is extremely important to know that a lot of these drop safes are not meant to keep large amounts of cash stored away overnight. Many are designed for businesses that will either have the money taken to the bank, or removed by an armored carrier.
For an overnight storage drop safe, perhaps for a nightclub or bar, it is recommended that you consider high security burglary rated safes that have drop systems built into them. Original offers Armored Carrier K9T's and Double Door Drop safes at TL30 and TL30X6 burglary ratings.
Email info@lackasafe.com for more information on high security drop safes.